- Gathering Insights: Evaluation at trivago — Presented at the NL4XAI Training Days for PhD Students (NTP-6) at Utrecht University. 16th of December 2022. Utrecht, Netherlands . — (PDF)
- NLG and Evaluation: An overview of current challenges — Presented at the NLP Seminar Talk Series at DCU. 25th of April 2022 — (PDF)
- Explainable Artificial Intelligence and its potential within Industry — Keynote speech presented at the 1st Workshop on Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence (NL4XAI2019). 29th of October 2019. Tokyo, Japan — (PDF)
- Introduction to Natural Language Generation and its role in trivago — Presented at Düsseldorf Data Science Meetup. 15th of October, 2019. Düsseldorf, Germany .
- Natural Language Generation: Introduction and use at trivago — Presented at trivago Tech Together 2019 conference. 19th of March, 2019. Düsseldorf, Germany .